Monday, January 3

Circum'scuse me?

Well, one of my favorite topics is being discussed by one of the funniest people discussing anything...and I'm on her side. We won't have a Dad present, in the usual way, for our prospective future son to compare himself to, but I still don't want anyone operating on the tiny genitals of any tiny person who is depending on me for protection, nurturing and sustenance.

Besides, I'd read not long ago (though I have no idea WHERE I read it, so it may be an urban myth) that only about 50% of boys born in this country over the past few years were circumcised. So, if that's true, half of the kids any son of mine will know will likely be uncut, and where I come from, 50/50 odds weren't the sort of thing that led us to gang up on anyone. We needed a much more clear-cut, cruel situation where the child to be humiliated was an obvious member of an easily identified subset of weirdness: glue-sniffers, booger-eaters and the like. Oh, yes, we were FAR too sophisticated to worry about how your genitals looked, especially when we could SEE you eating your nasal excrement.


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