Sunday, January 2


It's time for New Year's resolutions, isn't it? I won't bother, though, at least not with anything I'd share here. Because I can't resolve to have a baby this year, as much as I'd like to. And I should resolve not to worry about not having a baby this year, but I know myself too well for that, too. The only thing I've been moderately successful at is enjoying the things we won't be able to do whenever that baby comes: sleeping in, dining out, being spontaneous with jaunts to the mall or a movie.

It's shocking to me that we started this in 2003, so this is our third calendar year on the Fertility Express. ("Express," my ass. This train is clearly a local, stopping all the time and NEVER getting where we want to go.)

I want to believe this is the year, but I just can't believe anymore that this will ever happen, and that depresses me to no end.


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