Tuesday, February 21

Fred Phelps is surely going to hell.

I won't even go into that any further; if you've heard of the "Reverend" Fred Phelps and his band of demon-spawn, you don't want to hear of them again, and if you haven't heard of them, consider yourself lucky. Their practice of protesting at the funerals of dead U.S. soldiers is pretty repellent to begin with. When you consider that they're protesting because they think gay people have somehow caused...well, pretty much everything bad, then it's even more heinous, bizarre and asinine.

Someone's finally doing something about it, and I'm glad. Those families don't deserve to deal with the Phelps Phreaks. But a sentiment attributed to Richard Wilbur got me thinking. "He said he has no problem with protests against the war but sees no place for objectors at a family's final goodbye to a soldier. 'No one deserves this.' "

The thing is, these protests aren't against the war. They're against me, and anyone like me. And we don't deserve that, either.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you. I was wondering if someone else made that observation about the "no problem protesting the war"

12:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You sure don't deserve it. That man is pure evil. And when I see that he has children with him, wearing "God hates fags" tshirts, I feel physically ill.

6:08 PM  
Blogger GeekyDad said...

Oh anyone that is interested there is a tv segment over at


I didn't post it there but it has the daughter there when this story first broke. Anyhow, she's being intervied by someone on MSNBC.

She's going on and on and on about how it's the gay's and queer's fault. The hosts even said that they'd had alot of crazies and nutbag's on the show but that she her and her group take the cake on that one.

Oh and also too this group I don't know how many people know it but they back in the early 90's use to go to Gay funeral's when the AID's disease was going through the community and do there thing there too. Basically, they don't like gay's and they pretty much have it out for 'em.

10:03 AM  

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