Sunday, December 4

Where a kid can be a kid...

The good news is, Chuck E. Cheese now has a policy that every game is one-token-per-play, and they've dramatically improved the quality of their pizza. The bad news? It's still rather nerve-shattering to be in that place for two hours or more on a Sunday afternoon, surrounded by hundreds of shrieking, running, hyper kids ranging in age (for the most part) from 3-8.

Why were we there? Well, one of our nieces turns 7 this week, so we helped her parents throw her a party with 10 little friends. She had a great time, which is the important thing, of course. In our area, all of the parties were for kids ages 3-7...and there were many. But nearby, a HUGE party was being held for a 1-year-old. Word to the wise...I KNOW you're happy to have your kid, and super happy that he's turning 1, but parties at ol' Chuck E.'s place are not cheap, and your kid doesn't know his ass from his elbow, much less his birthday from any other day. So, throw that family party at home and put the money in a high-yield savings account for the 5-year-old party with the beanie-wearing're going to need it.

And, on a side note, I could have sworn that Billy Bob Thornton was the legal father of Angelina Jolie's older kid, even though their divorce gave her sole custody. So is Billy Bob signing over the kid to Brad Pitt? And why the hell do I even KNOW about this? I should have my cable and internet disconnected now.


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