Wednesday, March 21

And, on to another try....

As you might have detected from the long lag since my last post, we do not yet have any good news to report. The stick was peed upon, and delivered its inevitable one-line-not-two-no-matter-how-hard-we-squinted. Then we waited. And waited. And took another test, as Lisa is a very punctual person in every way. But alas, no on the stick and then no for real.

March was a bust as Lisa was out of town for a meeting at the appropriate time, so we shall begin planning for April, and hoping that any baby we might have will share our wicked sense of humor and allow itself to be conceived so as to arrive just after New Year's, thereby depriving us of a tax deduction. Turning pessimism into optimism here at's just how we roll.

Meanwhile, since we weren't impregnating, I painted the dining room. Orange.

Yes. Orange.

And I like it....

Now, if we could just get some damn books...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

bummer girls we've been trying for years too & are also having another go in april. my girl friend is doing ivf and I'm doing the turkey baster with donor sperm at home. we've given up on 'sensible' and are throwing everything at it. who knows what might happen. Good luck.

7:15 AM  

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