Wednesday, January 10

Another year gone by.

2007?! Are you kidding me?

No, apparently you are not. And, by the by, we still have no baby. But we're working on it! We've finally picked a new donor and plans are underway for another attempt in February. (January was thwarted due to timing issues and such...perhaps a good omen, though, as our previous successful (albeit short-lived) attempt was in February. THREE YEARS AGO. Can you even freakin' believe that?) Anyway, this time, we're practical. We contacted the cryobank and basically said, we wanted the nicest fertile guy you've got. Who has the most pregnancies and who among those people is nice? We had several options and settled on the fireman, who was deemed by the cryobank staff to be a wonderful, soft-spoken man who makes "beautiful babies," and lots of 'em, apparently.

Cross your fingers.


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