Thursday, April 27


Oooh, I forgot to mention this nifty book I just read. It's called Manhunt, and it's the story of the hunt for Lincoln's assassin, and his co-conspirators. It was wonderful and has already inspired us to check out a pictorial biography of Lincoln, and I'm now on to biographies of the President and Mrs. Lincoln, as well as the seemingly silly book that alleges Lincoln was gay. (Was he or wasn't he? I have no idea, but even if he was, it doesn't appear to have been the central facet of his being, does it? Which is a great point to make, if that's what the author was doing--but no, I think he's just being prurient and sensationalistic.)

Anyway, at least half of the people who have ever been known to read this blog are now parenting tiny children, so you don't have time to read these books, but I promise, when you get 'round to it in 18 years, it'll be worth the wait!

Being and nothingness.

Just getting in under the wire of a full month since my last post, I can offer you only this:
- As Supergatas (Brasil)
- Carré de Dames (Canada)
- Kullakesed (Estonia)
- Tyttökullat (Finland)
- Les Craquantes (France)
- Öreglányok (Hungary)
- Cuori senza età (Italy)
- Pantertanter (Scandinavia)
- Las Chicas de Oro (Spain)
- Altin Kizlar (Turkey)

I have nothing of any importance to say, but this DishNetwork with DVR is awesome, and allows me to watch all of my girls--Golden and Gilmore--pretty much whenever I want. I can watch 30 minutes of American Idol in about 82 seconds, so I can be involved but not really involved. And I can tape WifeSwap when it's a two-part episode, thereby saving part 1 until part 2 airs, so no more cliffhangers for me, thank you very much.

The fact that such things even register a blip on my radar screen while people are starving on this earth means I am most assuredly going to hell. And there will NOT be a DVR there, I'd imagine. Better enjoy it while I can.