Monday, September 3


Well, here we are, three months gone from our last post and with no news. At all. Or, at least, none regarding the baby we don't have yet. Though lots of other things have been going on....Lisa has quit her job (back in July) and though she is now ready for another job, we are both very happy she left the seething pit of hell where she worked before. I am still at my job, and finally getting the chance to benefit from the awesome domestic partner benefits we got a few years ago by adding Lisa to my insurance.

We were ready to try baby creation again this month, but the magical day(s) would have fallen when Lisa was in New Hampshire helping her sister, who just gave birth to her second daughter. Soooo....we wait and plan to try again at the end of September/first of October. We just need to have a freakin' kid and get it over with, really.

Oh, and I put a shed together this weekend, so I pretty much rock.